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What Trading Experts Say Is The Most Important Lesson for 2018

What Trading Experts Say Is The Most Important Lesson for 2018

Trading is a difficult industry. No matter the type of trading that you’re involved with, or the exact involvement that you have in the decisions to make trades, there are several basic lessons that you need to be comfortable with. In 2018, industry insiders are all...
Quantitative Trading and Machine Learning

Quantitative Trading and Machine Learning

The boom in technology over the last 10 years has changed much of how we look at data, use data, and calculate data. For those in the trading sector, these changes in data constructs have been incredibly beneficial – however, as always, it has come with a...
Quantitative Trading Myths vs. Reality

Quantitative Trading Myths vs. Reality

There are many common misconceptions about the field of quantitative or algorithmic trading. A Google search will return many derogatory articles accusing this type of specialized trading of overturning the traditional Wall Street model. The truth is, there is a lot...
Starting on the Right Foot: How Algo Trading Firms Hire Talent

Starting on the Right Foot: How Algo Trading Firms Hire Talent

Quantitative trading tends to be mired in speculation and myth, simply because it involves complex algorithms and a specialized trading structure that would seem foreign to anyone outside the industry. However, a quantitative trading firm is a business just like any...